Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We just got the cutest chicks!!!

 This isn't me.

the farm

A lot has happened in a short time. My granparints moved to Uganda for a year. we moved to thier farm my cat had kittens and we are having fun!!!!!!!          
This is my brothers kitten.
 Also my brothers kitten.
My sisters kitten.
 We got chikens!!!
Nothing new but its funney.

My kitten Coby.

My other brothers kittten.

My first brothers kitten.

First brothers kitten on top of mine.

The house.

this is cloudy. when we moved to the farm she ran away cause she didnt know where she was. we found her in the pond and burries her in the pasture. she wouldnt keep her eyes open for the picture.                                                               
we are going to have alot of fun on the farm. we are going to get chikens you can eat called broilers and cow and we already have a fat dog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I made a sweater!!!!!

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It's not very good I'm going to make another one that's better when I get the yarn.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My sister

This is Betty. Sometimes she gets on my nerves and sometimes shes realy nice and I have lots of fun with her.
There is a poem that fits her so well.
There once was a little girl who had a little curl right is the middle of her forhead and when she was good she was very good and when she was bad she was horid.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Worlds funniest little brother

 He loves me to put flowers in his hair!
 I know its blurry but look at that smile!
 best siblings!

More pics of the cutest cats in the world!

These are our other cats. The black and white is buster well her real name is Essy, but we named her buster before we knew she was a girl.Than the other one is cloudy. shes still alive.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Mexico Missions trip to help build a house for this family

 This is a twin with the girl.
 This is part of the team thats going to build the house for the family below. 
 Her name is Maria I think.
 This is the oldest. I forgot his name.
 The baby boy's name is angel. It so fits!!!
This is the house all finished with the family and team.
 This is the mom and three of her four kids.